Beware of Covid-19, President of WOCPM Suggests to Avoid Massive Mass Crowds

Covid-19 / Corona Virus is no stranger to the world community. China as the country that first reported cases of Covid-19 in the world, after that Covid-19 spread throughout the world, including Indonesia, which until now has recorded a very high number of victims who have been hit by Covid-19.

Everyone can become a carrier of the Corona Virus, both those that are clearly visible with the presence of symptoms or those without significant symptoms. And this is very dangerous for all of us. Moreover, the awareness and vigilance of the Indonesian people is still low about the dangers of Covid-19.

President of the World Council (WOCPM), Prof. Dr. Deby Vinski said that the most appropriate thing to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is besides washing hands with soap, wearing masks, Covid-19 can also be prevented by maintaining distance or avoiding crowds, especially massive mass crowds.

This is very worrying because crowds can create dangerous new clusters and could be disastrous for mankind considering the increasing number of victims, while the capacity of hospitals, medical personnel and medical devices has limits. “For the common good, we'd better avoid crowds. Activities that cause massive crowds should be postponed until a vaccine is found for this Corona Virus. "said of Prof. Deby.

We don't know out there whether other people carry the virus or not, especially if our immune system is low, so we are more susceptible to infection. So we should avoid crowds, because by avoiding crowds we protect ourselves as well as protect others.



The World Council for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine ( WOCPM ) is a not-for-profit medical society dedicated to the advancement of Preventive Medicine to detect at an early pre-clinical phase, prevent, and treat diseases. WOCPM promotes science to optimize the human aging process, thereby combining Preventive Medicine, Regenerative Medicine and Anti-Aging medicine into one integrated clinical and holistic approach.

WOCPM is first and foremost a scientific organization, open for membership exclusively for those physicians with a University degree in Preventive Medicine.

WOCPM is also dedicated to educating physicians, scientists, and members of the public on the importance of Preventive Medicine.

WOCPM believes that the prevention of diseases is the way forward to enhance people’s longevity and quality of life. WOCPM furthermore believes that prevention of disease at an early stage, will reduce the economic burden of increasing healthcare costs in an aging population.

WOCPM seeks to spread the word of Preventive Medicine and to disseminate information concerning preventive, regenerative and anti-aging strategies to increase longevity. WOCPM advocates Evidence-Based-Medicine (EBM), but understands that in some early-stage situations, a science-based approach to increase longevity is the minimum.


  • To take the leadership role in clinical research in Preventive, Regenerative and anti-aging medicine in a science-based, preferably an evidence-based matter.
  • To share information on Preventive Medicine strategies and outcomes with other practicing physicians and health practitioners.
  • To develop Preventive Medicine protocols and guidelines and to assist physicians and health practitioners in the implementation of effective longevity treatment.
  • To be recognized as the world’s leading reference for any Preventive Medicine related subject for governmental and public health authorities.
  • To sponsor by itself, or through funding by third parties, clinical research in Preventive, Regenerative and anti-Aging Medicine.
  • To provide and stimulate education and training for new upcoming Medical Professionals with an interest in Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging medicine at scientific congresses, conferences throughout the world and through offering of an University-based program.
  • To affiliate and cooperate with other medical societies to join forces to improve longevity and quality of life of our patients.
  • To promote the good standing and goodwill with various Non-government organizations.

    We are comprised of scientists and experts Presidents of Universities, Deans of Medical Programmes, Country Representatives of WOCPM and Practicing Doctors in Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine, amongst others. We assess the need for Research and Development, Education and Accreditation for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine for the needs of Humanity, as regards improved quality of life, wellness, peace and a healthy environment.

    • That we in the World Council (WOCPM) are united with the objectives to conduct Research and Development in Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine and to keep ourselves current and updated with new developments and continuous progress in the medical profession with emphasis on the Preventive, Regenerative, and Anti-Aging domain.
    • That we will integrate our vision and mission to provide medical treatments in the best interests of humanity through Professional norms and the highest standards in line with the values of the World Council. For this purpose, scientific protocols for diagnosis, treatment, hormonal restoration, stress therapy, genetic tests and therapies, nutritional considerations, laboratory procedures, technology development and other procedures related to Preventive, Regenerative, and Anti-aging Medicine will be adopted by the World Council.
    • That we are aware of, and respect, the wide scope of professional practices in medical science where strong and smooth interrelationships must be maintained. The World Council will encourage the enhancement and enrichment of knowledge through new medical publications and professional books within the Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine scope of practice.
    • That we in the World Council recognize the trend towards new and rapid developments in the medical profession that require continuing education. WOCPM and EFHRE bound a cooperation to establish the Master & Doctorate Programme of Preventive and Regenerative Medicine Programme in Barcelona, Spain, “the EFHRE International University” and the link university.
    • That we in the World Council are aware of our role as one of the advisory resources in our area of specialization and are responsible for providing accreditation for medical doctors, education/university programmes.
    • That we are in the World Council realize the research and clinical applications has rapid progress in modern medical services & accreditation including hormon therapy, hormone bioidentical restoration, Peptide bioregulator, stem cell closed sytem and stem cell banking cord blood and tissue; Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Stem cell transplant, Stem cell 3 D Printing organs, Quantum medicine; Medical spa, Probiotics, Detoxification therapy, Genomic & Nutri Genomic therapy, Genetic polymorphism also for instruments and equipment, hospitals, clinics/centres in the field of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine and on an international basis should be accredited by WOCPM.
    • Good cooperation among national and international health organizations, governments, national leaders and medical societies, amongst others, are some of WOCPM’s key goals.
    • The World Consensus Declaration of WOCPM calls upon all scientists and experts, local and national Governments as well as people in general to exert common efforts for the preservation and improvement of the human condition as regards wellness and a healthy environment, for the benefit of all.

    This Consensus is signed and disseminated by the parties in Paris, France

    February 1, 2019



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